Beyond Bones: The Real Keys to Fracture Prevention

New Yoga Wellness Course with Ellen Saltonstall!

Fracture Prevention with Ellen Saltonstall

As we age, our risk of fractures increases significantly. All too often, a fracture can be the beginning of a decline in mobility and independence. 

But did you know that preventing fractures is about much more than just bone density? Many factors influence our risk, from strength and balance to flexibility and posture. 

“Most people focus only on building bone mass density in their approach to osteoporosis prevention,” says yoga therapist Ellen Saltonstall, co-author of Yoga for Osteoporosis with Dr. Loren Fishman. “Building bone mass is important, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.”

Join Us for a New Yoga Wellness Live Stream Course with Ellen Saltonstall (See Preview Videos Below!)

Ellen notes that the greatest fracture risk is not bone mass density but falls. As we age, fracture risk increases because our muscles naturally weaken, impacting our balance and ability to recover from falls. Tightness and limited range of motion in our joints can compromise our stability. Stress and poor sleep quality have downstream effects on bone health as well. 

Fortunately, yoga is an ideal way to incorporate a holistic, multi-dimensional approach to fracture prevention. 

Another balance pose for improving bone strength and aiding in fracture prevention.

In her new 7-part Yoga Wellness course on YogaUOnline in September and October, Ellen Saltonstall will provide you with the tools and strategies to do just that.

In this Yoga Wellness course, entitled Yoga for Bone Health, Strength, and Balance, Ellen will share the teaching methodology she has developed over decades, helping students with conditions like osteoporosis. 

You’ll learn how to adapt poses to safely build core and lower body strength from the ground up. Standing balances will be progressed gradually to enhance confidence in daily activities. Gentle twists and hip openers will be included to maintain flexibility as we age.

Ellen notes that optimal alignment is one of the most important things when practicing yoga for osteoporosis. Small adjustments can make a huge difference in exercising the body appropriately and reducing stress on joints. 

Customizing your practice through variations keeps it fresh and accessible over the long term. 

The mental and stress-reducing benefits of yoga are just as important for holistic health as the physical practice. Things like improved sleep quality, reduced inflammation, and better coping with fall risks indirectly strengthen bones. 

Each week of the course will build upon the last for a comprehensive understanding of how to sequence poses tailored to your individual needs and fitness level. 

By learning to view fracture prevention from all angles – not just bone density but also mobility, coordination, posture, and mind-body resiliency – you give yourself the best chance of maintaining an active, independent lifestyle even into your senior years. 

Join Ellen and the YogaUOnline team to gain these powerful tools for nurturing your well-being from the inside out. Registration closes soon, so be sure to act soon to reserve your spot. 

Catch Ellen’s Early Bird Bonus! 

Which are the most fracture-prone parts of the body? The wrists, ankles, and hips.

For this reason, as an Early Bird Bonus! Ellen is offering an extra, special 3-part video series on how yoga can help strengthen these three vulnerable parts of the body.

Register on or before Monday, September 11, to get this Early Bird Bonuses!

Click Here to Register!

Enjoy Ellen’s Course preview videos



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