3 Natural Menopause Solutions

Menopausal women may experience symptoms ranging from hot flashes and low sex drive to insomnia and night sweats. For decades, women have been prescribed long-term hormone replacement therapy (HRT) consisting of horse-derived hormones estrogen and progestin for the treatment of

How Some Of The World's Most Successful People Discovered Their Spiritual Side

In a 1967 interview, "What I Believe," John Lennon opened up to the world about how he discovered God. "You don't have to have a great faith or anything. The whole thing is so simple -- as though it's too

New Study Suggests Yoga May Help Curb Silent Killer: Loss of Balance in Elderly

The last time you found yourself stepping onto a slippery surface there is a good chance that you used some creative balance strategies. People often slow their pace, adopt a rigid posture, shorten their stride, or drag their feet to

When Hamstrings Wreak Havoc—Yoga’s Bad Boy Muscle Group

In this interview, certified Iyengar Yoga teacher and physical therapist Julie Gudmestad discusses why hamstring issues are so important to pay attention to in our yoga practice. While tight hamstrings are the most common issue, overstretched and weak hamstrings can

Catholic University Launches First Yoga Masters Degree in the U.S.

If a Masters program in yoga studies at a Catholic university sounds like a radical idea, think again. That is exactly what is being offered starting this fall at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) in Los Angeles. The recent debate about
