Yoga for Fertility: Open to Conceive

Acute stress is a very real part of most women’s experience with fertility challenges. Modern research suggests that mind-body techniques like yoga could play an important role in reducing stress and increasing a couple’s chance of conceiving. Yoga for fertility

Living in the Moment for Real by Gary Halperin Author of Feel Better Now...Meditation for Stress Reduction & Relaxation

It has been said so many times and in so many ways--the key to your happiness is to live in the moment, to be present. That paying attention to whatever you are doing while you are doing it, practicing mindfulness,

Life Isn't Tied with A Bow, But It's Still a Gift. . .

For a little Yoga Off the Mat, here are 45 life lessons to live by courtesy 90 year-old Regina Brett, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio.     1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good..   2. When in

Yoga ­– Neurobics for the Brain?

You exercise and eat right to keep your body looking and feeling young. But did you know that your brain needs just as much attention in order to stay supple, too, and that yoga asanas and meditation might be some
